OffenesParlament (Open Parliament) provides information on the work of the German Bundestag, its policy amendments and interesting debates led by MPs.
With this campaign we advocate for more transparency in political decision-making and better public access to information held by state institutions.
The project takes a closer look at the plenary protocols of the 18th legislative period (2013 - 2017) published by the Bundestag and reflects upon selected political discussions of that time, such as same sex marriage, the Syrian conflict and the Volkswagen emissions scandal.
Public domain/ CC0 1.0
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The protocols are accessible through a search interface and an option to download the data we scraped and cleaned. During the project development phase, we worked closely with government representatives, gave feedback on the usability and quality of the data and reviewed existing data practices at the Bundestag.
Subsequently, we were pleased to see that the government released all plenary protocols as open data. See: Open Data Bundestag.
Open Parliament was featured by,, and