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While data becomes increasingly available, civil society organisations are struggling to build capacity to work with data and understand alleged or factual risks.
Datenschule (School of Data Germany) seeks to help non-profit organisations and activists to understand and use data responsibly in order to increase their impact on existing societal challenges. The programme offers hands-on data training and empowers non-profit organisations to build evidence-based campaigns with dedicated data practitioners and community members.
Have a look at The StoryHunt, JedeSchule (Every School), OffenesParlament (Open Parliament) to learn more about our activities and discover how data can be used by civil society actors.
Datenschule is part of the international School of Data, a network of data practitioners and trainers working on empowering civil society organisations with skills and knowledge they need to use data effectively.
From 2016 to 2018, I led and developed this programme with my colleagues at the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany.