CC BY-SA 3.0 DE Coding da Vinci
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Coding da Vinci is a programme that promotes collaboration and free knowledge sharing in the field of cultural heritage. We seek to democratise relationships between museums, archives, libraries and the public towards open dialogue and co-creation practices.
Coding da Vinci brings cultural institutions together with dedicated people from design and tech communities to develop ideas and prototypes for the cultural sector and for the public. By using data and technology, we explore creative ways to unlock information about our shared cultural heritage and use it to better engage with the stories of our past in order to help shape those of our future. We envision a world where cultural information is made accessible, enjoyable and re-usable for everyone.
As of today, over 140 cultural heritage institutions from around Germany released parts of their digitised collection as open data. Over 110 projects and prototypes have been developed by volunteers who contributed their expertise, creativity and passion to help us imagine the value and potentials of free cultural knowledge.
In 2014, I co-founded Coding da Vinci with Barbara Fischer, Anja Müller and Stephan Bartholmei. As project lead, I shaped and steered the programme over the first two years and helped to grow and scale it across Germany. Currently, there are several regional events organised locally in cooperation with the founding team: Coding da Vinci Nord, Ost, Süd, Berlin, Rhein-Main and Westfalen-Ruhrgebiet.
Coding da Vinci is financed (2019 - 2022) by the German Federal Cultural Foundation.